News Archive up to 2022-01

In today's Tips for Using the Hybrid VR180 / VR360 Vuze XR Camera we present great tips for using the hybrid VR180 / VR360 Vuze XR camera to enable you a better workflow and to create better images.

The video today from immerVR GmbH is offering you various great shooting tips for VR360 photography .

While most consumer cameras in that space offer monoscopic capturing, the immersion can still be very high when one is able to rotate freely around at high quality in a virtual reality headset.

Today's Top 7 VR180 Photography Tips from immerVR GmbH is about great tips for VR180 stereoscopic photography.

VR180 stereoscopic images give you a great immersive experience in virtual reality. However, compared to regular 2D photography, there are various differences that you as a photographer should be aware of.

In this video, we present our Top 7 VR180 Photography Tips to enable you to make it easier for you to create high quality stereo VR180 images on your own.

Are you using this format to capture important moments? For us, it is the most immersive way to store memories forever and to be transported back to the place and events in the past with full immersion.

We are very happy to announce that our new startup immerVR GmbH has been chosen in the tough selection process of the "Start?Zuschuss!" funding from the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy.

The funding focuses on helping startups in their first phase. In our case, it allows us to prepare better for our international launch of our upcoming products, get better development equipment and more help from freelancers.

The celebration of the selected startups last month allowed a fruitful exchange between founders. 

Many thanks to the Bavarian Ministry and their program "Gründerland Bayern"!

Photo Meeting

© Gründerland Bayern / Philipp Gülland

Our first YouTube video is online, giving you a hint on which areas we are working. Please subscribe to our YouTube channel for more upcoming information.

We are a new startup in Germany working on providing you with immersive experiences! We will reveal more information on our upcoming products and services soon.

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